I am so happy today that I've achieved success in three DietBets! I'm down to 135.5 pounds as of today. Thanks to DietBet, and to the other players in the games, for the motivation and fun!

Although I'd like to lose 7.5 more to get down to what I've (for many years) self-imposed as my goal weight (a goal weight which is stilll 5 pounds more than the average of 4 major "ideal weight" formulas for my height and frame...but I digress), I would like start to add more weight lifting back in and not restrict calories quite as much as is necessary (for me) to lose at the speed with which you need to in order to win DietBet games, so I won't be joining a DietBet game again any time soon. I will miss them!

Hoping to stick around DietBet's community, and check in with the groups! I am among those who would really welcome some MaintenanceBet Games - but I understand why that's a different and tricky animal for DietBet. Still hoping though!

Thanks for reading!


The below indented text is more information about me, copied (with slight additions for clarity) from my DietBet post on Nov 30th, for context:

I grew up a heavy person, with very little understanding of calories and their consequences, subtly led to believe I was simply going to be overweight/chubby-what-have-you because my family (demonstrably) tended toward the overweight. People had good intentions, mostly: they want you to feel comfortable in whatever body you have, and there is great merit in that, but I lacked an understanding of how I was contributing to my extra poundage. Going way back, my highest adult weight was 196 in 2003. Then I successfully went on WW for many years, joined a gym, and obtained a much better understanding of caloric needs.

My lowest weight: 128.5 circa 2005 and then down to around 129 in 2013 when I worked very hard on it again counting calories & working out madly (I've mostly hovered between 132 and 142 in the intervening years, always watching calories & working out at least sometimes).

I'm 148.0 pounds as of yesterday's official weigh-in and my goal weight is 128 (I've never spent much time really near that goal weight, and I should probably let it go, but I've gotten so close). I don't know why this year my weight has climbed so high, maybe just...getting older? Or genetics firmly asserting itself? But it's time to focus. For this 4-week DietBet (1st time using DietBet!) I need to get down to 142.1 or below to be among the winners. I'm 5'4".

Best of luck to everyone! It's a lifelong process...I know that. It's way better with a support team.

Thanks for reading!