My name is Keira and I have just turned 24 and currently weigh about 108kg. This weight gain has been fast and shocking for me.

I have had epilepsey since I was 7 years old and it never bothered me until I was 21 and had a series of seizures. I had to change my medications. The doctors warned me that these drugs would increase my appetite and drop my metabolism so I would need to watch out for weight gain. But I didn't take much notice as I had never had problems before (weighing 62-65kg). I ate whatever I wanted and was not deliberate in any exercise. But 9 months later my weight had rocketed to well over 100kgs. Ever since I have been battling with the weight and have topped the scales at just over 112kgs.

I like to blame the drugs and they have had a massive part to do with it but I also have not done anything to combat the effects. The more weight I have put on the more crap I have eaten. I have had take-out 3 times in the last 5 days and rationality with food seems to have gone out the window. I have been diagnosed with depression and anxiety to go along with it - which when you feel rubbish about yourself does not help.

I am taking this bet because I need the motivation that it provides, I can see the end of it and I need to take responsibilty for my own journey. I may have been dealt a crap hand over the last couple of years by my body but that is not an excuse to take it. I am the only one who can do something about it and need to in order to the self I recognise and love life again. 

My aim for this bet which I believe to be achieveable is to be 99.9kg at the end. I will need a lot of support but hope all of you out there can give it and I will try my best in return! Good Luck everyone.