Look at that. A-N-G-E-R has a lot of letters in common with H-U-N-G-E-R. But they are nothing alike, and I don't know why when I'm angry about something, my previous method of coping (and the first thing that crosses my mind, frankly) is binge eating. I am not certain if it is self-comforting or self-loathing that triggers it (probably some of both).

Yesterday was different. I think God was watching out for me. I wasn't able to leave work on time (when the trigger occurred), and I knew I had at least an hour and a half of walking to do, so I came straight in from work and hopped on the treadmill. (I am in a StepBet with some pretty challenging step goals, and it takes me a while to get those steps in.)

I was still angry when I got off the treadmill, but I was making some progress about reframing what had happened. I can't live in a perpetual state of anger, after all -- it's just not me. I tried to find what positive consequences might come from the circumstances I found myself in, and acknowledged that while I felt wronged in this situation; there were in fact many, many, many things that I appreciated about my job. Bottom line: It's all small stuff.

And I went to bed early.

This morning was the end of a round in my Transformer. I'd forgotten it until I got the email reminder. And because I had not binged, I "won" this round.

So by the grace of God, this time I was not an April Fool.