These days the motivation to lose has becom bigger than the need to eat wrong. For a while, I have had difficulty getting in this frame of mind. Since 4th January I have made half-hearted attempts to do this right, to win this duel with the fat monster, but kept sabotaging myself and by the time I came here in March, I had barely made a dent, although it was still some progress (no loss however small is bad!)

Betting on myself to win (or lose) and joining a group of women in a similar pursuit with constant Facebook feeds and WhatsApp encouragement to not give in to "giving up" has seen me slice the goal into smaller bits and just focusing on that 1st mini-goal: to weigh 89.9 and every day I edge closer and closer to it.

To focus on the 6.6kg has freed me from the panic of over 30kilograms, and has allowed me to concentrate on healthy clean eating on a daily basis.

Today I stood on my scale down to 92.2kg and I am so looking forward in a few weeks to hitting that 89.9kg mark. All thanks to my village of support and motivation.