Today I can't go up a flight of stairs without being out of breath. But someday, I will.

Today I can't run, at all. But, someday I will. In 2017 I will run a Colour Run, a Mudderella, a Toby, a Town run, a MudHero/Warrior Dash/Tough Mudder. All of them.

This year I can't do my 25 km bike ride. But I will. June 2017. 

This year I couldn't snowboard, but the next season I will. I will snowboard circles around my niece (it helps that she will only be five).

This year started with the continued half-assed attempts at being healthier. Today, I'm not healthy. But someday, I will yell it from the roof tops.

I will say that all of those things I couldn't do are done. I will say that it started with one: one change, one choice. It continued with one choice: to be a better me.

So today, I can't. But someday, I will.