I guess most of us are familiar to it nevertheless to me it's shocking how easy it is to put a lot of weight just like that. In a few weeks, month, maybe years... It it just happens. And I hate that certain situations can cause food cravings that are able to destroy every success I had. I'm an emotional eater. When I'm stressed, food helps me a lot. Of course just for a few minutes or sometimes hours. Afterwards I see it differently. For me, it doesn't even need a huge amount of stress. It is enough when I'm a little unorganized and annoyed that I didn't do everything I had planned to do. I forget to do the laundry and don't have a sports bra next day. I forget to go shopping and don't have the right food in the fridge when I'm hungry. Sometimes I think "What the hell is wrong with you? Other people do it to!". As a matter of fact I should stop thinking like that, because all in all my life is very much in order. I have a good job, I earn okay, I have a nice house, no "real" problems, just met a great guy and am in a wonderful and supporting relationship for a few month now. I'm not even massively overweight. I weight 77 kg (which is about 170 lb) and I'm 1,68 m tall (6.6). I always loved Sports so a good amount of that weight is muscle. Most of the times in winter I am somehow okay (as long as I don't see a photo of myself). But in spring and summer I am constantly annoyed, because shopping is no fun, going swimming is not an option I enjoy and so on...

I don't want that anymore. I want to look forward to a holiday without trying to kill a few pounds weeks before that doesn't make the difference anyway. I want to be the person I am in heart. I like healthy food, I love sports. I want to be fit and confident, I want to be able to wear anything I want and feel good about it. So, for me that means not beeing to hard on myself for no real reasons and at the same time using all the positive preconditions I have. Let's see where this journey will take me. 

Btw, sorry for my mistakes. I'm not a native english speaker. :)