I'm a busy person, not unlike most. I have some very chaotic and long days but still find time to juggle all employment and volunteer related stuff. 

But health stuff? That always came last and only if time magically landed in my lap...after finding time to nap.

I realized though, that putting myself last wasn't going to help me make any necessary health related changes. I wasn't ever going to lose weight or get to run again with that kind of approach. 

So, last week I made a commitment to work out. After a two year hiatus from the gym (if you ignore stopping in to use their wifi or use the play space with my neice) I finally made it back.

I will be honest, it has been a challenge. There were days I didn't get home until after 10 PM. There were days that I made it to my next commitment with one minute to spare. One day I forgot my headphones, another day I forgot my shirt, and one in which I lost the key to my locker and had to have gym staff cut the lock.

And yes, some things got put off. The bird cages didn't get cleaned as planned. The pets went without loving from me, and had to settle with my husband. Taxes were done *just* before the deadline. I haven't been to visit my grandmother lately. And I haven't been able to Skype with my sister or her amazing kids.

But in the grand scheme of things - it all worked out. I got over 10,000 steps most days. I met my work and social commitments. I'm somehow getting a tax refund (which is very confusing to me). The pets seem mostly unbothered by my lack of presence, although they are greeting me at the door a bit more consistently (and for birds and bunnies, this is pretty cute).

I will somehow see my grandmother this week, check in with my mom, and maybe at least do Skype messages with the kidlets. 

I'm learning about the importance of balance, and I must say there is a sense of calm among the chaos by adopting these changes.