Let me preface this by saying - ultimately you must find what works for you, that being said...  

For many years there was a now debunked "myth" that the best time to work out was first thing in the morning, on an empty stomach.  Now there is increasing evidence and a trend to eat before, anywhere from 3 hours to 45 minutes, depending on whose study and opinions you read.

The new train of thinking is that when you work out on empty (unfueled) stomach you actually will burn protein, as well as fat, including your own muscle mass.

For me I am finding that by eating 5 to 6 times a day, and spreading out my caloric intake I have sustained energy and do not feel hungry.  This means I am working out about 2 to 2 1/2 hours after eating and again within 1/2 hour of working out.

I set an initial four week goal to work out 3 times a day - the workouts can be anywhere from 12 minutes to 1 hour.  One of these, usually the last of the day, is my physical therapy exercises to kep my mobility, flexibility and strength in my shoulders, neck and spine.

This definitely takes planning - my plan:  

  • I have breakfast then do my first workout about 2 hours later, followed by a meal/snack containing protein and carbs within 1/2 hour of completing my workout.  
  • 2 to 2 1/2 hours later I do my second workout and then have lunch.
  • I have an afternoon snack.
  • 2 to 3 hours later I do my final workout of the day before dinner.
  • Final snack (including protein) is about 2 hours after dinner and about an hour before going to bed.

I will again reiterate that it would be extremely difficult for me to spread these 1,200 calories out without planning and using prepared frozen meals for ease of use and tracking.  So far I have been using mostly weight watcher's Smart Ones and a few Lean Cuisine meals*.  I will occasionally supplement these meals with steamed vegetables when I am doing longer afternoon workouts or if the urge to have more food kicks in.

MY 1,200 calorie plan is only until I reach my 4% goal for Ali's kick-starter.  This four weeks is giving me time to build new habits, which I hope - oops PLAN to continue for a lifetime of health, well-being and vitality.

Once I reach my 4% goal I will have myfitnesspal.com recalculate my calories for a slower, sustained (hopefully) weight loss for the duration of my Transformers.  I am looking forward to getting back into the kitchen to create some flavorful, healthy food to fuel my body.

*They have really improved the choices, flavor and sodium content in these frozen meal selections since the last time I tried them (15+ years ago).



