This diet bet could not have come at a worse time for me. Well, that's what I would normally tell myself anyways...


I'm not trying to over share or have a TMI moment here, but over the course of the next month I will be packing up myself, 2 kids, my dog and YEARS worth of memories for what will be the beginning of a new life for all of us. Without my husband. Before anyone goes getting sad.... DON'T. I'm not. I'm only sharing this insight into my life to make my point for this blog.  


There is ALWAYS a reason not to. Need a reason? Try me. I've got a thousand of them. It's a bad day. It's a bad week. Work is stressful. Having children makes it impossible for me to focus on myself. Full time job. Full time home life. I'm tired. I don't have the resources to workout, etc.


What about the reason to find ways to accomplish my goals instead making excuses not to???? What about better health and well being? Why is this taking a back seat? And better yet, why is the person who wants it SO BAD (me) holding my inner fit chick hostage?! That girl wants out!


"Where there is a will, there is a way", right? Well, I have the will. I know I do. And so, on the eve of what has the makings to be one of the most stressful months of my life thus far, I am committing to both this challenge, and to myself. What better time to prove to myself that it's possible. That no matter how much chaos there may be swirling around me, there is always a way. Enough punishing my inner fit chick, instead, I think I'll give that bitch a hug. 


Peace love and squat booties, y'all!