Yesterday we had the great pleasure of my husbands daughter (who I consider one of my best friends) and her husband coming for an overnight visit.  

In the past this has involved copius cocktails - a food extravaganza and lots of laughter.

I was a little stressed about how I was going to stay on track, have fun and share lots of laughter and not make anyone feel awkward.  So once they asked if they could come for a visit I did send Barbara a note letting her know I am on a program and not drinking.  No problem.

Now to plan my menu...  decided to make moroccan lamb.  I put the recipe in myfitnesspal and it came up at 569 calories a serving.  My initial thought was "do-able".  So we went on an excursion and found the lamb on Friday.  Friday night I was planning out my entire Saturday meals and saw the percentage of fat and that I would be very hard-pressed to have my 5-6 meal/snacks and stay at my 1,200 calorie goal.  So I went to my freezer and found a Healthy Choice Merlot Beef that looked rather stew-like and decided at 180 calories I could have much more "fun" with my food and share in snacks and nibbles.  I decided on a shrimp appetiser - 117 calories per serving.  Butterfield shrimp sprinkled liberally with Jerk Chicken and Fish seasoning and sauteed in a little olive oil, garlic and finished with fresh lemon juice.  I HAVE A PLAN!

Saturday, May 7th - My Day:

  • Breakfast - 200 calories:  Smart Ones Breakfast - Ham and Cheese Scramble, with my supplements and ginger tea
  • Prep Lamb and go to Town Meeting
  • Snack 1 - 30 calories:  It Works Green Chews on the way home
  • Workout:  Whole Body Vibration
  • Lunch - 160 calories:  Smart Ones - Asian-Style Beef and Broccoli
  • Start Moroccan Lamb and Workout - Walking with Leslie Sansone and 2 pound hand weights
  • Snack 2 - 225 Calories:  Sauteed Shrimp and a snack portion bag of Ruffles Oven Baked Cheddar & Sour Cream (I drank water with a splash of tea and a lime wedge)
  • Laugh and have fun then up for final workout - PT Exercises
  • Dinner - 300 calories:  Beef Merlot and a slice of crusty roasted garlic bread (I drank cooled decaf tea in my wine glass)
  • More laughter and fun (lots of water with lime for me)
  • Snack 3 - 282 calories:  Italian Parmigiano Reggiano Cheese, Townhouse - Townhouse Flatbread Crisps Sea Salt & Olive Oil, 1/2 a Pepperige Farm Milano Boston Cream Pie cookie, and 1 Harry London Dark Chocolate Coconut Haystack (a lot more water with fresh lime)

Total Calories for the day 1,197.

Three Workouts


ps.  Followed up this morning by factoring in 2 slices of bacon into my plan of the day with some crispy bagette toat and a lovely poached egg - fueled up for the rest of my day :)

pss.  By the way everyone loved the SPICY (very fragrant)Moroccan Lamb - I sent home 2/3rd of the leftovers and saved the rest for Art.