Once upon a time, if I was working out, my food was on point. Well, that fairytale ended - and not with a "happily ever after".

I'm taking a 5 week 'class' on stress eating/goals/etc. Our assignment this week was to identify a problem and then work on steps to address it.

My first thought was my problem was with sugar. As in I eat truckloads of it. But then we had to work backwards. Is THAT the problem? No. At home I don't eat that much sugar filled junk. But I have been in the habit of eating out all the time.

So is convenience eating the problem? Sort of. But underlying it all is not taking the time to plan for my day/week. This was by no means a lightbulb moment. I had already identified this with my dietitian...but I think I tried to tackle the problem head on with no helmet. I just wasn't prepared to coping with any bumps in the road.

But I'm a nerd at heart, and I have to do my homework. I made a goal to take 20 minutes every day to prep my life for the next day. Our facilitator said this might be unrealistic. Ha. Way to push the Stacey-is-Stubborn button.

I started on Thursday and have been at it ever since. Things aren't perfect, but it's better. On Friday there was birthday cake, which I allowed myself to have. And then while I had my food planned out, I didn't account for the fact the fridge doesn't fill itself.

Yesterday I went and picked up the stuff I forgot to put on the grocery list so today has been a bit of a smoother ride.

The best part is we get to reward ourselves if we stick to it. I am going to buy myself a Tunisian crochet hook. I don't really know what that is but I like learning new things for crafting. It will be like a surprise almost. Woot woot!