SO I have lost 8.4 lbs since my last blog post!!! I think I finally found what works for me. I looked at my daily consumption of protein and calories. I quickly found that if I eat less than 1,300 calories in a day I maintain weight. And, if I eat less than 150 grams of protein I stay the same. If I eat less than 100 grams of protein and STAY UNDER 1,200--- I GAIN WEIGHT! Buuuut (here's the kicker) if I eat between 1,500-2,000 calories/day with 210+ grams of protein I rapidly lose weight no matter what the calories say. 

So I am going to continue to up the ante of my protein and workout 3 days/week like I have been. I feel really good and energetic and hope this doesn't wear off or plateau anytime soon because I am feeling really good about myself and my body image. 

So my goals for thsi upcoming week are: 
1) don't fuss about the calories!

2) consume at least 200 grams of protein per day

3) consume 6 protein shakes per day + two regular meals or snacks (the 6 protein shakes are 3 double-sized shakes that are worth 143g of protein!)

4) keep the macros 50% protein 30% carb and 20% fat.

The fat one is the hardest. I always consume ~25% fat, 20% carbs and 55% protein. 

Goodluck everyone! 4 more days until weigh-in!