Hello Everyone:

My cousins and I have been wearing these fitbit devices on our wrist for some time now.  We have this running joke about the "Prison Cell Workout".  See there are some days when you've had a busy day at work or home and you can't seem to make it to the gym.  However,  you have this fitbit device attached to your wrist that reminds you you have not completed your daily steps.  What do you do??? Here is the answer! You do the prison cell walk.  You find a small space in your home that allows to you to walk back and forth. Hopefully you have a nice long corridor or family room in a lower level.  Otherwise,  the prison cell workout will truly take on it's original meaning. In my mind, steps are steps. What important is that you keep moving.  Obviously the steps do not replace a good work out outdoors or in the gym, but something is better than nothing.  I hope this helps some of you.