Hi All,

I was eating strawberries, then apples, then Jicama, next frozen cherries and now frozen mango chunks! Where I work, fresh fruit is delivered on Monday at 10:00 AM and is available for the rest of the week to eat as a healthy snack. The kinds of fruits available change with the season. This year I've been more into eating clean than ever before and the fruit is most welcome.

I've always been eating bananas for fiber and magnesium. I often eat two bananas a day, one in the morning and one for a snack. On Sunday I had my daughter sneak in two bananas for a snack for a long movie we were watching, never thought I'd see Captain America in a German car.

At work we have a similar wager to diet bet, 7% in 13 weeks. I won that wager and have kept the weight loss going on DietBet. A co-worker suggested DietBet, I checked it out and it seems even easier than the work challange.

I've decided to focus on eating clean and exercising to lose my weight. Fruit is a great snack, so I've been focusing on eating more fruit - delicious, full of fiber, minerals and low in caloreis. The work contest ended in April, which is the start of Strawberry season. I joined the April 12 transformer and to help me lose even more weight for that contest I made fruit a priority. I can eat an entire plate of strawberries for less than 200 calories. I like to end on a good tasting strawberry, so I cut the strawberries in half and eat one half of a strawberry at a time. When I find a good tasting strawberry I set the other half aside to be the "last" strawberry.

Strawberries are yummy, but they don't have much of a crunchyness to them. That is where I started eating cold Fuji Apples. I was raised eating Pippen apples, but they aren't around much anymore. My next favorite was a Pinks Crisp Apple. Then I fell in love with Honey Crisp Apples - they are very expensive. Sad face. I like cold food, so a cold Fuji apple works pretty good for me. When the Fuji is fresh, then they are very crispy.

Apples do have a lot of sugar in them though, so I remembered Jicama. A cold Jicama is not as sweet as an apple, yet has lots of crunch and is sweet enough! I can eat 400 grams of Jicama in a sitting.

After the Jicama phase I moved onto frozen cherries. Ice cream is "out" for me for many reasons. #1 being the amount of sugar and #2 being the lactose intolerance I've developed in my 40's. Sad face. Frozen yogurt did the same thing, so forget that. Then at costco I saw a bag of Alasko frozen cherries and bought them thinking my wife could bake me a treat with the frozen cherries. Desperate for snack one night I opened the bag and found that 140 grams was one serving - for 90 calories. That is a lot of cherries for 90 calories. I poured them into a bowl and ate them like ice cream. Cold and yummy.

The next time we took the kids out for ice cream, I filled a thermos with frozen cherries and ate the cherries with the kids while they ate their ice cream.

My wife makes the kids smoothies with frozen mango chunks, so I tried some frozen mango with the cherries. I am done with ice cream now and happy to eat a frozen cherry, frozen mango mix. Cold, creamy (kinda, more the mango than the cherries), fiber, real fruit sugar and best of all low calories!

So now my new favorite health food is CostCo's Organic Frozen Mango from Townsend Farms. I can eat a bowl for a snack...Guilt Free! Woot!

Good Luck on your adventures!