8 days until I see my sister and her kidlets! They will be cranky from travelling, but I'm still excited. I may be cranky as well...nothing says Happy Canada Day like travelling 4 hours (plus traffic). Good thing they are worth it.

And 9 days until the Spartan! It's really inspiring to see how well everyone has done with their preparation. Even my niece is doing burpees (and critiquing the forms of others - they need to cound outloud and clap their hands in between). Four year olds are hilarious!

My role will be getting her through the kid version and encouraging her to get dirty. This could mean I need to get dirty as well. I will share the photos!

While I'm not running myself, I am still watching my sugar intake and walking a lot. I may not make the round 1 goal of one of my Transformer games, but I'm going to keep at it.

I'm feeling pretty awesome these days. :)