Hi all,


I'm turning 40 in December, and my weight now is higher than it was when I was just about ready to deliver my second child 11 years ago.  It's ridiculous.


I also have Crohn's Disease, and I've had some success with a diet used to help heal my gut.  It's called the Specific Carbohydrate Diet.  My first time trying his almost two years ago resulted in a good amount of weight loss and some relief of symptoms, but it was depressing.  However, I know it worked, and I need to do something to get myself to stick to it again.  I just don't want it to be as extreme as last time.  I don't want to cry once a week because I'm frustrated with how much food I can't have.  I want to learn how to have a healthy relationship with food.


Hoping my first kickstarter will help keep me accountable for the first month.  I've been trying to make these changes afor about a month now, and I have failed.  Miserably.


Thanks for your support!

