I've been having a really hard time with weight loss since I got injured in Afghanistan. I have a hip that dislocates when I run too hard or too fast, a back injury that has been undiagnosed because the VA hasn't gotten around to looking at it, a totally fused wrist that makes simple things like push ups or weights difficult, and a brain injury that makes me not want to leave the house if I don't have to. I had a baby in 2006, when I was 20 years old, and I lost the baby weight so quickly. I don't know if it was because I was 20, if it was because I was in the Army, or what. But I lose the baby weight in what seemed like no time. My husband and I just had another baby in April of this year. It was a month before my 30th birthday. I haven't been able to lose more than 21 pounds, which is basically what I lost from having the baby. I don't have any motivation to leave the house to even go for a walk, let alone go to the gym. Not that I would have been able to until pretty recently, because I had a C-section and I had some complications because I tore a couple of internal stitches. I will go to the grocery store and buy all kinds of healthy food, but a couple of days later, I lose all motivation to eat healthy. It's boring, or I'm tired, or I just want to order something and have it delivered because I don't want to do the dishes afterwards. I just...I want to lose the weight. I want to get healthy again. I want to feel good about myself, but there are times where it just feels so impossible, like I will never be able to lose the weight and I'm going to become that cliche in my family - the overweight mom.