What a relief! The weight is coming off again. Quick (dramatic) losses the first week, and now the numbers on the scale are slowly eeking down. Some days up a little, most days down a little. And I haven't cut out salt (yet) so I'm pretty sure it isn't all water weight.

It's so easy to gain weight, and such a challenge to drop it again. I suppose everybody knows that. I still haven't figured out how I'm going to stay (comfortably) at a lower weight. I need to make friends with excercise junkies and stay away from Facebook foodie posts. Nobody attacks the FB posts about peanut butter desserts. Why is that? There should definately be more hostility towards peanut butter. The struggle is real.  :P


Brussels Sprouts love me. There is no denying it now. The bathroom scale confirms it. Peanut Butter isn't protein, it's just fancy fat. It's the cool kid in the alley with the homemade tattoo gun offering to put a pretty picture of a rose on your arm. (walk away! walk away!)  I accept that now.


My Internet research tells me that a BMI of 22.5 is the best for longevity, so I'm shooting for that. My weight needs to be 127 pounds for my height to attain that number. Not there yet, but definately within reach for me. Me and the brussels sprouts. 

I've done it before. I am doing it again. This time it's for keeps.