Well, this is the beginning of my new journey!  I'm currently 257.4 lbs, which is my highest weight ever.  7 years ago, I lost 95 pounds going from 245 to 150.   After, I had my 5th baby and 5th C-section.  Slowly, over the next 6 years, I went from 169 after the birth of my last child to now 257.  OMG!!!!!  Where was I during this incredible almot 90 pound weight gain?  How did I lose all the good habits I had built before?

Now, to add complication, not to make excuses, but I had spinal fusion surgery last December when my weight was about 234 lbs, so since December, I've been struggling with mobility after the surgery, and for one year prior to this, I had excruciating back and leg pain.

Thankfully, after the surgery, things have improved in terms of pain, but lack of mobility is definitely there, and the extra weight is a nightmare.  I can't do regular everyday living things, like use the bathroom properly, ugh!!!!!  How did I get to this point?  

I am so done with this!!!!  I'm determined now to change, and it takes one moment at a time; and I'm ready to do it.  DietBet is just what I needed to get motivated.  Wish me luck, everyone!!!  10 pounds + in month number 1.  I can do it!!!!