How many times am I going to try something new? I guess until it works and losing weight is no longer a monkey on my back. I'm always trying a new way to look at it...a new diet...a new mindset...a new book...a new reason to get healthy. Within a couple of days I say "fuck it, eat the cookies. All of them". It's not healthy. I know I need to do better. Why don't I ever stick to it? Is it mental? Emotional? Physical? All of the above? Anyway, here we go again....
Posted on October 7, 2016
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Sign in to CommentLadies Ladies Ladies, figure out a way to eat the stuff you want.... you can have ice cream just not the whole tub!
I can relate! I do the same thing. I know all the junk and ice cream and candy is not good for me but yet I only go one day and then back to my old routine. This is the first time I've joined a group so I'm hoping that everyone's motivation will rub on to me! Let's do this!
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