Thank you, Jim Morrison and The Doors, for the song on continual replay in my head this morning. :)

Today was a weigh-in day for one of my Transformer bets. This monthly goal had been a BIG intimidator for me because it was a number I had not seen on the scales in... many, many years.

There's a great Disney song (that is a favorite of mine on my treadmill playlist) and the lyrics go:

Here comes a breakthrough
Here comes a day
Here comes a moment that you gotta go for it
So don't let it get away
It's all about a breakthrough
Just turn the page
'Cause every day I'm getting closer
Life is just a rollercoaster 

Who can't relate to the rollercoaster that is weight loss? I suppose for some folks the weight just melts off, creating a perfect downward arc in their weight tracker; but for me, my weight loss tracker looks much more like a ball ricocheting inside a pinball machine.

I've often had to remind myself that I cannot control how quickly my body releases the weight, I can ONLY control the choices I make about food and exercise -- and trust that the weight loss will happen in its own time. This morning I was really sweating my weigh-in because... well, that number seemed unattainable. Certainly I would not have dreamed that I would reach this weight when I first started DietBetting in January.

I stepped on the scales this morning like they were made of egg shells... and (HOLY MOLEY!) I was under 170 lbs by the skin of my teeth!

Of course, next month presents another impossible-seeming goal weight. Sigh. One day at the time, right? And today, I'm going to bask in the blue glow of that magic number.