Still in the first week of the game... if you have 4% of your body weight to lose and you think you can do it by January 28th, then join my $10 game -

I remember a year or two ago... winter... I was out walking all bundled up. I know I did this because I made some simple (truly simple - like this one but I didn't finish the eye holes and I just made it by laying a knit hat on paper and drawing around it.... so... !!!) ANYWAY - BACK TO MY PROBLEM.... (read this with me whining) "Its COLD outside! it's almost 40degrees out!!!!" and tonight... it's gonna be snowing!!!!

I am in a stepbet. The scale is going in the wrong direction even though I am in a nice medium pink ketosis! I know I need to exercise and walk... and I will.... but I will do it inside!

Now my two tricks are that I can inside pace walk around the kitchen + dining + family + living rooms for 10 minutes (I set the microwave timer) and get 1000 steps. If I set it for 15 minutes I poop out... but 10 minutes at a time seems to work for me fine. OH and I have to double swing my arms inside b/c the gps on my fitbit doesnt always know I am moving around inside! so for every step I take, I swing my arms twice!

CHEATER you say? What if I tell you I carry and swing light weights???

Right!!! Double the workout... a little cardio lower body workout (walking) a little upper body bat wing work out to boot!  Now I will say my weights are like 1 pound and 2 pound weights but.. still doing it for 10minutes at a time - I feel it the next day!

Also, my go to, when I am out of shape (and this holiday I sat down and ate 20 pounds worth! so Out Of Shape is my middle name!) anyway, my go to, get back into some speed in just like a week (don't laugh... please dont laugh) Walk Away The Pounds - the 5 mile walk (60min workout) !!! yip! that's right! 

I admit the first 2 days of doing the workout is a challenge just to put the DVD in the player. (so much so I Have not done it yet) It's repiticious. It is cheesy. It is boring. BUT I also know that from past experience, that if I can do it twice a day for 5 -7 days straight, I am bouncing off the walls wanting something harder! So... I know... I need to get up and put that DVD in... but.... OK I WILL....

now... How Do You Winter Exercise?