I am graduating with a Doctorate in Physical Therapy in June. The past few years have been hard but I have persevered. I put all my focus into school and my career and have put my health aside when things get stressful. I was a competitive olympic weightlifter during my undergrad and graduate education up until an injury made me choose my career and give up lifting. Giving up a passion of mine on top of the stresses of school and relationships sent me down a 55lb weight gain spiral that I couldn't seem to get out of. I was stuck in a negative state of mind and couldn't get out.

Once I hit 216lb I began having knee pain and could no longer fit in my "fat cloths". I could not continue down this path. I ended/limited my negative relationships, began getting my school stresses under control, and refused to let myself be a subject to my own negativity. I have focused on strengthening relationships with positive caring people and I am extremely thankful to have them. Trying to see life from a positive perspective was hard at first, but its getting easier. I've found new fitness interests and have found healthy interests outside of my career as a "get away". I have lost 13lbs so far and I intend to lose 53 more in order to be a healthy 150lbs. 

My goal is to be a role model for my clients/patients. I want to show that achieving a certain level of health is important and is possible. I want to be able to preach the importance of maintain a healthy weight and diet in order to decrease joint pain and maintain an active, full and happy life.

Throughout all my ups and downs, one thing I will never do is give up! We are all here to become our better healthier selves. Lets do this!