I promised myself I'd blog about working out to stay accountable so here goes!: 

I woke up at 5am this morning to get some cardio in. To put things into perspective, I haven't seriously worked out since my last dietbet almost a year ago. I stumbled out of bed & put on a Tabata workout I found on Amazon prime (for free!). I was loving it until the instructor did a "LUNGE/SIDE STEP/PUSH UP/SIDE PLANK" combo that almost caused me to black out. I cut the video off (mid side plank) & began to search Youtube for some free cardio workouts. I wasn't going to let the Tabata workout "fail" get me down!

Some old school Tae bo workouts popped up in my search & I got excited! I remembered doing Taebo in high school w/ my mom! I clicked on "Taebo extreme" & I did 30 minutes of that. Next I looked up Zumba workouts & I found out Zumba has a Carribean/Jamaican video (which I am soooooo getting!!!!) & then I scrolled through a bunch of "Zumba stories" & it hit me! I lost a lot of weight using the Zumba videos during my last dietbet. I had fun getting my sis & my nephew & even my mom & grandmother to workout with me. I think I could make it a goal to become a Zumba instructor:-D So now I have a new goal: Win this diet bet, journal about my diet & workouts, and become a Zumba instructor :-)


Diet plan for today: 

B-fast: Organic/non gmo crackers & hummus: 300 calories

Lunch: Soup: 360 calories

snack: organic/non gmo crackers & humms: 200 calories

Dinner: Green Smoothie w/ banana, kale, org: 300 calories


I just realized: My caloric intake has really decreased since my first blog :-)