Evening everyone!

So I'm coming to the end of month one on my first transformer - and the weight definitely isn't falling off like it was anymore. But I'm less than half a pound from my first goal, and I'm feeling super proud of myself. 

Am I worried about the coming months and how much I still have left to go? Yes, absolutely. It's more than I've ever lost before. But I made it this far - which is something I was starting to doubt a few weeks ago!

I'm starting to see what my strengths and weaknesses are.


- Consistantly working out and having a bit of variety with it. I really like the gym environment. I enjoy going to my weekly spin class and yoga, as well as working out on my own at the gym. I have a couple of workouts to switch between in the gym that one of the instructors did for me, and I always feel so accomplished when I've finished one. 

- Tracking my food, even on the bad days when I've had too much. I used to be in the bad habit of lying to my app - as if neglecting to tell it that I ate an entire bar of chocolate, pack of mini doughnuts AND a pack of cookies would somehow cancel out the calories and mean I wasn't putting on weight. But I was only cheating myself with this. Once I made the decision that I HAD to log what I ate - good or bad, meant I didn't binge like I used to. Sure, I still have treats - and I log them. Once I've seen how much one or two of my favourite snacks have cost me from my daily pot, I usually feel less inclined to reach for more.



- Sticking to completely healthy meals. So in general, I think my main diet is okay. I'm certainly not on any diet plan - but I like to think everything in moderation is okay. But I don't think I'm quite there with the moderation bit yet! I probably eat WAY too many carbs. I eat them breakfast/lunch/dinner. All different carbs - but still carbs. I'm trying to find new recipes - but I'm not the most adventurous cook. I cook to eat - and that's it. I don't get any pleasure being in the kitchen, and as soon as the food is edible then I'll serve it up to eat. None of this "let it simmer for 30 minutes to let the flavours sink in". Nah mate, I'll have that done in 10 minutes and eaten by 15.

- Needing instant gratification. Whether this is on the scales - or in any other way, if it takes longer than I had in my head I get so discouraged. "So I've been eating well for the last two days - and I totally went to the gym - why aren't I at my goal weight yet?!" This is something I've been working really hard on. By thinking it through and actually forming a plan - and I mean an actually do-able plan, I can map it all out and see it coming together. But it's still really frustrating when a week or two go by and nothing changes, despite feeling like I've kept myself together really well. I have to just keep reminding myself to keep going. The only true failure I could make is giving up and wasting all this progress.


So here's to the end of month one. Month two is going to be really hard, but I know if I just keep my head down I can get through it.

Good luck to anyone reading this on your own journeys!

Jen :)