I have just paid $30 and joined a dietbet today. I hope I am serious about this! I'd really like to earn money back as a reward for losing weight. I like to be rewarded for my efforts. But even more than that, I want to lose some weight.

I googled a BMI calculator. The results said I am obese for my height and weight. Wow. I do not like that word obese...Then I put in some different numbers. I have in my mind a weight I would like to get to. It is a weight that I would feel great with. The calculator still called it overweight. But I'm going to ignore that...Because I know I would like to be at that goal weight that I have in mind. I've been there before, and that weight looked good on me. People made positive comments to me all the time when I weighed my goal weight.

I plan to cut down sugar and fat intake. I plan to boost vegetable and fruit comsumption. And also, drink plenty of water, of course. I love water. It makes me feel good when I drink it regularly.

So, this is my plan.

I ask myself: "Joanie, are you going to commit and stick to this plan?"

And I will use DietBet as an accountability of sorts. Because who wants to lose their money? I can earn that back and more! $30 is enough for a dinner for the family.

Let's do this thing!