The first way to avoid snacking is to make the food hard to access.  If you don't have it in the house, you would need to get in the car and go get it.  Most of my food consumption happens at home, so if I don't have my favorite "binge" food around, I'm not going to binge.  My "trigger foods" encompass so many things . . . almost anything with added sugar (especially sweetened cereal or graham crackers), Larabars, granola bars, Paleo baked goods.

What do I do if I buy it anyway, telling myself it's for the kids (lies) ?  I throw it away.  Really, it's a waste of money, but it's a bigger waste of money to put the foods on your body.  Would self-control be better?  Absolutely.  However, I know my limitations.

I have four children, all boys, and a husband.  They eat a lot more carbs than I do.  How do I handle this?  Well, this was very hard to figure out.  It took me a few years.  You can buy "treats" for them that are not trigger foods for you.  The other items that they just must have?  Cookies or donuts for example?  I take them to the store and buy single servings for them.  Dessert doesn't happen every day, and neither does mindless snacking.  It's teaching them well too.

Now, snacking on fruit and nuts is still a weakness of mine, and probably the reason for the extra 5 pounds that I am trying to lose.