This will be the fourth DietBet I've participated in in four months. One in May, 2 in June, and I skipped July.  I won some money, sure, but most importantly I realized I developed some great habits.  While I was not DietBetting last month I would tell myself, "It's okay to eat (insert some unnecessary cheat food here) because I don't have to weigh-in." "I don't need to go to the gym, I'm not doing a DietBet this month."  DietBet is basically my accountability partner. 

I've been, give or take, the exact same weight my whole adult life. I'm not one to (typically) gain large amounts of weight. But after a hysterectomy a year ago, the weight started piling on. It still wasn't "massive," but I gained at least 20 lbs. in a year.  None of my clothes fit anymore. I felt slow and lazy. And depressed. 

Then in June of this year my 43 year-old husband had a heart attack. The doctor believes it was mostly genetic, and possibly couldn't have been avoided no matter what, but suddenly I realized how truly delicate life can be. We have two young children and we owe it to them to be healthy and to model a healthy lifestyle. It's particularly true if they are at risk of inheriting a genetic condition. 

So, I'm back. I feel like DietBet will be my Weight Watchers. Because as long as you stick to the program, they refund your monthly fee