4August17 Friday Day #1 Starting the 4 week series Kickstart

I needed some inspiration to continue on my journey to getting to my personal best vibrant health and well being.  I would like to lose some weight in the process and stumbled upon this dietbet site.

What are the chances that there is a 4 week competition starting precisely today to do while I am on vacation.  Perhaps it is crazy to want to lose weight while on vacation but as this is my own free time I would like to focus on my health and make better food choices while I am on my trip.  Finding wonderful fresh fruit won't be difficult as I am in Hawaii.  

It's just before noon and I have sent in my full length picture. I found the right place to start as I am not liking the way my waist looks.  As I see my full length photo there is definitely room for improvement!

My approach will be

1.Walking minimum 45 minutes daily

2. Eating real whole natural foods 

3. Drinking 8 glasses of water

Simple enough however it is follow through that will make the change in my body happen.

Putting on my jogging pants,  tshirt, sneakers and cap and heading out the door.