The following ramblings are that of a grumpy dieter who is addicted to sugar. All opinions are the opinion of the writer alone. No offense is intended for anyone who to uses or enjoys hearing the following commentary.

  • 1: Whenever you mention the choice to decide to diet or eat less/healthier someone never fails to say, "Diets don't work, lifestyle changes do."

No sh*t Sherlock! Clearly, I realize that if I go back to eating junk and not exercising after I lose weight that I will gain it back. However; to make a life style change you MUST START SOMEWHERE!! Generally speaking, that somewhere is a change in the way that you make your dietary choices and most often that is in the form of a DIET.  Most people start out with every intention of making a life style change. The point is that no matter how motivated you are; this is a challenging task! That is the plain and simple reason that people gain weight back, stop losing, do well for extended periods of time and then binge out. Change is hard and our brains are used to and addicted to the foods we have been eating. Yes, a lifestyle change needs to come out of that diet, but you have to start somewhere.  

  • 2: Think that the moment they notice you trying to eat healthy that they are your official diet coach. 

NO NO NO NO NO!!! Just because I choose a salad instead of French fries or asked for my burger without a bun does NOT mean you get to start noticing everything I eat and if it fits in with MY goals. Even if I have mentioned to you that I am trying to lose weight or eat healthy, you DO NOT get to start dictating my life choices and this includes my dietary choices. Unless I specifically discuss and okay a plan where we support one another with reminders and accountability then you have NOT been given permission to comment on my food choices thanks.

  • 3: Giving their approval in hopes that their approval will inspire your motivation.

For me never will I enjoy a random stranger stopping me at the gym or while I'm on a run to say good for you or great job! No, I do not care about your opinion. I am doing this for me. Again, my journey is none of your business unless I personally invite you to guide me. Even if you are a friend I do not want to be pushed in a way that is indicating you are my coach or that your approval of my efforts is motivation. If you want to ask me to join you at the gym GREAT! If you want to ask me out to eat at a healthy food place that you are trying for the first time GREAT! If you want to support me by doing this with me great; but I did not ask for your approval. 

  • 4: Consistently and repeatedly and desperately commenting on your weight loss. Even when nothing has changed. 

Yes, a comment here and there is totally acceptable and appreciated but sometimes it can get to be a bit much. I don't want to be stopped several times a day to be reminded that I am losing weight and that they are noticing. Yes, I am happy that I am succeeding in my goals, but there is more to me than the weight loss you are currently seeing. Also, if you are noticing daily or more than once a day; I am pretty sure there hasn't been much change from the time before. Why has my weight loss increased your desire to give me attention? That's just weird. Again; a comment occasionally is perfectly fine.

  • 5: Start to encourage you to eat more and less healthy as soon as you lose enough weight in their minds. 

All the sudden a chunk of weight has come off, you're feeling great and proud of the progress you've made. You're by NO means underweight and in fact could lose a bit more and still be well within the BMI guidelines and weight chart guidelines. but STILL; at least one person will express sudden concern for your weight loss and eating habits. Suddenly you are being encouraged to eat more and make unhealthy choices because " You don't need to diet." Whaaaaaat!?? WTH…  Come on now!! Why is someone who is overweight condemned for eating unhealthy foods but those who are normal (By sight this is, these people don't know my progress, they simply know what they see and they have no idea where I am on the charts. I've had this happen when I was still about 10 pounds overweight) 

but someone who is perceived an okay weight by whatever standards is encouraged and bullied into eating badly? This is ridiculous; clearly if someone is eating McDonalds every single day versus occasionally it is going to make a difference but anyone who is consistently eating fried and processed food is eating unhealthy. Health is for everyone; not just for those not deemed by society acceptable to the eye.        Again; I don’t care what size I am or what end of the spectrum the comments are coming from; my choices, including my food choices are mine and mine alone.