It is 3 days before my Kickstarter weigh-out and the holiday is upon us. My family and friends are gearing up for a weekend of fatty BBQ's and lots of alcohol and I'm like - NOPE, I've got my fruit, my veggie burgers and my tiny glass of wine and you know what... I am happy about all of it! I will pick and choose what I endule in and fatty foods are not on that list!

This past month has been eye opening. I've been tossing excuses around for almost 2 years (and a 20 pound gain) and this month I stopped that. This month I still went out to dinner (not as often but I still went), I had a major stress situation with my husband in the hospital, I've hung out with friends and ate a little too many of my favorite candy but I still managed to lose over 9 pounds. Why? Becuase I paid attention and tracked what I ate.

I follow Weight Watchers so I track points not calories and I was diligent about that! When I had too much wine or indulged in a treat I made sure to compensate for it over the following few days. Moderation has been my strategy and it has worked. I still feel hungry but I am not deprived. I am learning to take cues from my body and make sure I am truly hungry before I eat.

I've reached my goal for this DietBet. I feel and look better already. I'll be looking for a transformer next. My lovely daughter gets married on 9/22 so I need to find one whose 1st month weigh-in is at least a week after I return from the wedding.

I am so glad I decided to join this DietBet and commit to being healthy. As I sit here writing this I am wearing a pair of capris that I got at the beginning of the summer and couldn't wear after a week because I had gained weight. They fit. They are not too tight. They look cute. Win.Win.Win!

I will continue on my journey. No matter how long it takes, no matter how slow the weight comes off, I will be moving forward and I will reach my goal of healthy!