Well I never wrote a blog before, but I feel like someone out there has got to share my feelings. A week ago, I set out on this journey which had made me start really thinking. About what you might ask?


I had stopped to see my beautiful granddaughter Harleigh last week. While there I was sitting talking to my gorgeous daughter-in-law, who has been such an inspiration to me. She decided to take the baby weight off, and she is coming very close to goal. I said to her, you gotta help me, I am gaining weight so fast. Ya see I was having a love affair with Dunkin donut muffins, and ice cream. She so casually said to me do you want to join diet bet..... I had no clue what she was talking about. Then so began my very personal public journey. 

 First step fill out the form and pay. The group I am in, is called I am doing this for me.  The question asked on the form, why do you want to do this. My first response I want to live again.   Not just for me, but  for my husband, my children, my in law children and most of all my grandchildren. 

I am 54 years young, and I want to live again. George Bailley was brought right to mind. I feel that desperation he had standing on that bridge. My parents, and grandparents died way to young. I never met my paternal grandmother as she was my age when she passed. She was I would think around 400 lbs when she died of a massive heart attack. My mother battled diabetes and lost that battle when she was only 62. I was 30 years old when she passed. Dam we were just starting to like each other. She would see the humor in that.