You looked in the mirror and decided that enough is enough. You’re done with excuses, medical scares and feeling like crap. You want to feel good in your own skin, and most importantly, you want to get on with your life. Joining DietBet was a good start. You love the support and you were confident until the scale stopped moving.

As a person who has struggled with their weight, I know firsthand that seeing the number on the scale is a huge motivator. When it stalls, or goes up we can lose momentum and feel defeated. For this reason, I’ve created a list of things that you can do to make the scale move in the right direction.


#1 Drink Water

Maybe you didn’t want to hear this, but listen—switching to water saves tons of calories and sugar. If you’re addicted to juice, soda or even milks, switching to water can help your weight loss efforts.


#2 Be Mindful of Sugar Intake

This is especially true for people on low carb diets. Sugar finds its way into places you wouldn’t normally think of. This can be milks, sauces and even processed meats. Be sure to read labels to make sure you aren’t overdoing it in the sugar department.


#3 Walk

Getting more steps in is an easy way to push yourself to be more active. If you are sedentary, getting up to go for a walk can help boost your metabolism and mood. Going on a 10-20 minute walk every morning can be enough to influence your weight. I lost 20 pounds this October by simply eating healthily and walking 2 miles daily.

#4 Exercise

If your weight is being particularly stubborn, getting a 20-30-minute morning workout in might help. Some people like to eat before they workout, but I find that exercising before breakfast is the most helpful. If you are bothered by the idea of exercising daily, try doing 20-30 minutes every other day (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday).

#5 Eat Your Greens

Skipping out on veggies is a big mistake. Green vegetables are particularly rich in fiber which helps fill you up. My favorites are spinach, kale, collards, and green beans.

#6 Add Lemon to Your Water

Some people say that adding lemon to their water helps suppress their appetite. If you don’t like the sharp taste of lemon, you can add a tiny bit of salt.

#7 Cut Out Processed Foods

I am not saying that you should never eat junk, but you shouldn’t eat it 99% of the time if you truly want to lose weight. Filling up on Twizzlers, biscotti and prepackaged dinners is not the way to go if you intend on trimming down.


#8 Eat When You’re Hungry

Don’t eat mindlessly. This is simple but often overlooked.

#9 Don’t Overwork Yourself

Don’t kill yourself trying to get 10,000 steps or an hour in the gym if your body is not ready to do so.


#10 Rest

Give your body time to rejuvenate itself. 


What do you feel is the key to your personal weight loss success? I hope that at least one of these tips help you in a big way! Happy weight loss!