Today is my first day of the Holiday hustle challenge! I am 8 days late getting started but better late than never right? Since I joined in the afternoon all I can say is the anticipation and excitement and motivation are all hitting me at once. Let's hope I don't overwhelm myself from the get go. I just finished a big helping of pasta and ground turkey with sweet potatoes as I am also trying to sneak in the fruits and veggies anyway I can for my 9 year old son and I as well. Something I ate has got me all bloated and my tummy hurts :( It could have been the big handful of chocolate covered almonds I ate just before dinner or it could have been something I ate for dinner. I have been keeping a food trouble journal and I have found it really helps narrow down any food allergen's or food sensitivities that I may have! My basic plan for this challenge is to eat more fruits and veggies, drink more water and of course incorporate cardio and weights as a daily regime. I have a great support system of friends, family, co-workers and of course my online peers to support me in not only obtaining a goal weight but also a healthy weight! <3 Hugs to all and good luck to my fellow competitor's!!!!