Hi there! My name is Bonnie. I live near Birmingham, AL and I am married with 3 sons. They are 20, 17 and 3! My husband lost his right arm a while back in a work accident and he doesn't work. Needless to say things are HARD! Right before his accident I had lost about 60 lbs with a low carb diet. After the accident, I tried to stick to that plan but eventually fell off and went back to my old ways, eating to feel better. Which has the opposite effect, mind you! But it's like drugs, there for that moment you are stuffing your face, man it feels good then! It's the in between eating that is miserable. 


So I am back, I am strong and I can do this. This is my first Diet Bet and I am truly excited to have this new motivation. Not really for the money, but for the comradare with other people trying for the same thing as me. People who understand what it is like to go to Mcdonald's alone so you can order two burgers and fries with no judgement! I have to break those ridiculous habits. 


For anyone interested, I have a low carb group on Facebook. It is called Low Carb and Loving it!  https://www.facebook.com/groups/1505351173116533/?multi_permalinks=1918735701778076&notif_id=1515251286379737&notif_t=group_activity

Please join me there and feel free to share anything, pics, stories, recipes, questions. 

I really am a believer in the low carb way of life!

I would say "wish me luck" but determination has NOTHING to do with luck!