Recently I watched the movie the Greatest Showman (musical depiction of the life of PT Barnum w/ actor Hugh Jackman)--what a phenomenal performance. I am officially addicted to the soundtrack most especially the song This is Me. This song has become my life's anthem. It plays continually in my head and is motivating me to step out in faith to pursue this weight loss journey.


Fifty years old and starting over once again. This time I am not waiting til Monday, I am not binge eating a 5000+ calorie last supper, I am not announcing my intentions from the roof tops, I am not waiting til January 1st (or the beginning of the month) to get started, I am just placing this bet quietly.


Looking forward to inspiration and friendship from others fighting this same battle.


"I am brave, I am bruised, I am who I am meant to be, this is me"