So, I have joined this thing called Dietbet.... Lets see what is about. I have been on sleuth mode the past few months checking out what this is all about and it looks like it could be fun....a good accountable way to loose weight.

The past few months have been a roller coaster ride with me, I get on track and just fall right back off and I am offically FED UP with myself and can only be angry at myself.  I know that I need to have accountablilty for my actions, otherwise I will never see results.

Every time I step on the scale I can cry, and then spiral back down due to depression about what I have done.  You see I have lost in the past about 30kg, and in the past 2 years I have managed to pick almost every kilo back up. I need to find a good system that works for me.

I hope that this first game that I have joined will be a good journey and kickstart me off my ass on my journey again.

Please be patient with me and I hope I do not dissapoint myself.