I've been easing myself into exercise starting with last month's dietbet. I initially started all gung-ho with P90, but it was a little much for my sad and underworked muscles...

I didn't want to fail.. so I kept going by easing up with Leslie Sansone's walk at home dvds. I started with primarily 2 mile or the 30 minute walks. I focused primarily on cardio.

I'm slowly inching up.. I am doing 2-3 miles at a time now (sometimes 4) I am going to try her 30 day calendar rotation. Yesterday I added an extra 10 minute kickboxing workout led by Jillian Michaels (after completing a 30 minute walk aerobics). I wasn't very coordinated and I thought it went horribly, but my abs are really feeling that work today! I feel like I want to add that 10 minute kickboxing burst a couple days a week on the shorter walk days because I love feeling that ab burn (makes me feel like I'm gonna have some awesome sculpted abs after  burn the fat off those muscles, and that makes me want to burn the fat all the quicker!).