One person can start with an action, to make changes, towards poverty, racism, war, global warming, child and elderly abuse, cancer and all human tragedies,  All people united, can make the changes happen.

Through thought changes occur, that is magic. Everyone has the power of magic. Magic requires intense desire. To have a passion and to feel something so strong you think about it all the time. Then do inventory on the resources available, and ask other people for help towards the cause. History proves, with the power of passion and determination, humans managed to pave the way for miracles.

What's your passion? What do you want? World changes? It can take a lifetime of dedication, through generations, before the real impact of change occurs. We all have the power to use, it's our choice. It takes courage and lots of it to follow through on the huge passions some people have. They are our heros.

What do you want? You desire a significant change within yourself? A change within one person yourself? It seems like to make a change even a major change within ones own- self should be easy enough. For some it is easy- for others it's very difficult- to stop  habits we don't like, and make better choices. We all  have the power to change. Do you really want it? Do you want it really bad? If so, think about what you want and desire the most. Think about what you want the most, think about it often, and with intensity.  Poof!

                                             Your magic will happen!