I don’t really know how this works but here I go. I’m Carrie. I’m 34, 35 on June 11th. That’s the day before the dietbet starts. I haven’t always been overweight and so sometimes I think I have reverse body dysmorphia because I don’t feel like I look. Sometimes I’m shocked when I look in the mirror or see pictures of myself because even though I’ve been obese for 6 years, I still think I look like I did for most of my life. I had my son 6 years ago.

I only gained 30 lbs with him and took it all off immediately with breastfeeding. However, I suffered from severe PPD and was on some meds that made me gain it all back and some within 3 months. I found out a few months later that I had hypothyroidism and started on meds for that as well. I haven’t been able to take the weight off since and with the arrival of my daughter in April 2016, I’m up another 10 lbs. So 40 lbs later, I could stand to lose 50 since I was getting up there at the start anyway.

I hope I can finally lose this weight. I’ve spent nearly a decade feeling trapped in someone else’s body. I just want my life back.

I know I need a miracle but miracles happen so why not me?