Hey there!  So, just a bit of my fitness story - about 18 months ago I woke up and decided that I needed to actually do something about my weight and fitness.  I wasn't even really sure how I'd become the person every one saw, becuase she didn't even look like me any more.  At my highest weight I was over 250, wearing size 26 jeans, and couldn't do even one situp.  I began training at a local gym (these people are now my family madefitnesstn.com) and carb cycling at the advice of my father.  7 months later I was in a size 16, down almost 40 pounds and had a whole new outlook.  Fast forward to today - I'm still in those size 16s, but the past year  of the scale not moving didn't mean I wasn't still changing.  I LOVE lifting and have been going to a power lifting class for about 6 months.  Getting my eating back in line seems to be the key to seeing that scale change.  Of course that number isn't everything and BF% is really what I'm trying to focus on, it's still nice to see it go down :)

Now that I've started losing again I think my paradigm just needed some time to adjust to my new life....  It's like if you give someone a million dollars.. if they don't change their mindset it's all going to disappear pretty fast.

Anyway - things that are motivating me these days: I've signed up to be a motivator and role model at my gym (AKA I'm super scared of the workout I'll have to complete), My trainer reminded me of my why and it seems that I'd forgotten it somewhere along the way, and I just feel like it's possible again.



Goals for the rest of 2014:

Consistently run a 10 minute or under mile

Become a line leader

Lose 20 pounds and get back to ONEderland