Since my son was born I have been saying (jokingly of course) that it's his fault I gained so much weight. I ate more for him to be healthy. That I didnt exercise because I didn't want to hurt him. Oh and the best one is that he is almost 9 months and I still haven't done anything. My reasoning is that "I don't have time," and that's what I would tell everybody.

But the truth is: I have been making excuses. 

I have been selfish. Selfish because I didn't want to make the effort to be healthy and lose weight. I made everything about me. I can't seem to do anything. I cant't breathe normally when I walk around. I can't go to the gym because it takes to much to get my son ready for the daycare that they provide? Seriously? I can't get up the stairs without feeling like I've ran a marathon. I can't catch up to my son quick enough when he wants me to chase him. I can't take full body pictures because I feel ashamed. I can't go out with my fiance because I can't find something to wear. Selfish. is thinking only of yourself and your family paying for it.  

I don't want to be that person.

I am going to lose weight, not just lose weight, but get into shape and be the type of person I admire in those magazines. I don't want to miss out on life because I was too lazy to try. It's not just about me. It's about my family too.

Finding help and reading about these great people who have come so far was just the first part of my journey. Now it's up to me to put in work. Maybe even use my son as a weight and try lifting him lol. I can't wait for when he's older so I can tell him it was he that made me want to start this. I've always had a gut and getting pregnant may have added to my weight but I definitely didn't start there. I made all the decisions to get where I am. But now I will make better choices.




