Hi All, 

It's day 10 of my Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead inspired juice cleanse (www.rebootwithjoe.com). 

Things are going really well today. Before starting this my allergies were terrible - so many hives, getting short of breath while just sitting, feeling so out of it... Today, I feel like a normal person save one lone hive and a little bit of tiredness because I had to wake up early. But, seriously, feeling like normal person is AMAZING. Ten days ago I was afraid I'd never feel healthy again.

What I am noticing though is something that happened much later into my previous 27 day juice cleanse. I'm beginning to bruise more easily. The rebootwithjoe site says to increase vitamin c and leafy green intake, but I'm already having a ton of those so I'm adding back in my multivitamin today. Tomorrow, as long as the vitamin pill goes well today, I'll add back this probiotic mix I usually take (and that helps my allergies too). After that, I'm going to add protein powder (the website recommends this for people doing cleanses longer than 15 days). I'm writing this all out here because it'll help me stop from FREAKING OUT and wanting to try everything at once - it'll be a lot smarter if I'm patient, maybe deal with a little bruising, and add things back bit by bit so I can see what has what impact on my body. 

A few more things I wanted to throw out there before I go: 

-If I were at home in the US right now, I'd totally want to be being monitored by a doctor as I do this cleanse. That's what the rebootwithjoe website recommends for cleanses this long. However, I'm studying abroad and feared I'd have to leave early if my allergies didn't get under of control (since I was having so much trouble breathing). 

-Overall, I'm amazed by what this cleanse has done for my body - twice now. However, there has been some suffering in the process. I just want to say again that I think cleansing feels a lot better for most people (because they aren't as sick as I was), and that there are smarter ways to "ease in" that make the whole process much more pleasant. That is, when people 'ease in' with healthy eating before the cleanse, their symptoms are a lot better. 

-Finally, I am going to try to remember, like FOREVER, that I can be on a juice cleanse and have just added exercise to the regimen (20 min yoga + 30 min run) and have my weight not budge an ounce from day to day. In other words, that I should NEVER be discouraged by what the scale does or does not show when I'm doing less extreme forms of dieting. Because the change is there if you're eating healthfully - even if the scale takes a while to catch up. 

