I'm De. I am a wife and a mom of 4 kidos (3boys and 1girl). The kids range in age from 16-10. I have been overweight most of my life, especially after I had children. I had been pretty active most of my life until I was dx'd with MS 10 yrs ago. I became more sedintary after that dx just bc I was afraid of flare up and I was pretty unsteady on my feet, fatigue set in pretty quickly most days, and I had a lot of pain. The weight piled on more and more. Finally, 2.5 yrs ago I was sick and tired of being and feeling sick and tired. I found a trainer that was willing to work with me despite all my issues. So with all that said let's fast forward...... I walked my 1st 5k after working out for 5 months. It was one of the hardest things I had done up until that point besides lifting weights. (I find great satisfaction in weight lifting). 2.5 months after my 1st 5k I did the Warrior Dash and I did every obstacle! I was so proud and excited! 3 wks after that I totally destroyed my rt Achilles tendon while playing "soccer" with the youth group. I ended up having to have that Achilles replaced with a donor tendon. BC I had been working out I came through the injury pretty quickly. Quicker than anyone thought I would or could! I walked my 1st post-injury 6months post-op. :)) I was in the gym less than a week post-op working out from the waist up. That was my biggest accomplishment for the 1st year of working out...  I continued to workout and do circuits ect.. I fell in love with Power Lifting.. I did my 1st Power Lifting Comp this past November, I placed 12th out of 30 women. Not too shabby for the 1st time out. I was training for another comp in April. In the meantime, I wanted to accelerate my weightloss so I decided to try my hand at Boot Camp. I convinced my friend to join me. We went to our 1st Boot Camp class and within 5 min of the class starting during High Skips I felt adn heard my lt achilles tendon snap! OH NO! Really??!!! Again, I ruptured my other Achilles tendon. This was another big hurdle to cross. I had graft replacement surgery on 3/3/14.. I met this injury with the same determination as the last. I was in the gym 3 days post-op working out from the waist up. Sheer anger and determination got me through that first workout. That brings me to today... I have continued to workout 2-3x a week and I am planning on a Power Lifting Comp in the fall.. I am walking better and doing more than anyone thought I would at this time. I almost have full ROM back, but I cant jump, do lunges, or stand on my tip toes yet. (I am 4.5 months post-op.).. Here's to continued weightloss and strength!!!!


*I have lost 100# already at this time, but I have that amount to go yet..


Thank you for taking time to read my ramblings!!