While I know that I can't expect miracles, the point of this challenge for me is to simply get fitness back into my life regularly again. Once I start religiously working out again then my food choices always instantly improve and that should give me a lot more energy to get through my day.

4% of my weight is 7.48 pounds, which is a lot in general for a short amount of time but what makes it tougher for me is that I am 6 months pregnant. Pregnant ladies aren't supposed to focus on losing weight but let's face it sometimes we just need to get it together and after the last 6 months of chaos in life, I am definitely ready for a life make over!

I really feel that a few simple changes will go a long way, whether or not I lose the full 4% or not by making them. That is why I am here. To give myself a chance to succeed and have a reason to follow through with the challenge. I started this pregnancy 10 lbs heavier than I have with my other 2 children so I had weight to lose to begin with before life happened.

I am not focused so much on the weight as I am getting the habits of religious exercise and decent food choices back into my life. I think that weight loss will come automatically with the change, but I am not going to spend this time dwelling on what the scale says. I just want to stay within the healthy weight range I am supposed to be in for being pregnant and as things are right now I am not going to do that. That is why I need to make these changes. 

Now that the stresses of life have calmed down and I have free time in my schedule again, I am ready to get back to the way things used to be. Bring on the challenge.