Have you heard that saying, "get knocked down seven times, get up eight"? That's where I'm coming from. Admittedly, I'm often the one knocking myself down, but I can't give up. I read many stories of people that have been heavy their whole life, or gained weight post baby. But that's not me. I used to be healthy and fit and I don't have any kids. Instead, I was in a terrible car accident in 2002. I recovered and I was doing okay physically, but struggled mentally with my scars. In regular clothes you couldn't see them, but knowing they were there sent me in to a tailspin of self doubt and was a real blow to my confidence. How could I ever find someone that would be attracted to me with this giant scar on my abdomen and others on my sides?

The first few years, I was kind of holding it together. But there was a little voice of doubt that talked to me every day when I saw my scars. For the last 10 years, I've been putting on weight. Logically I understand that trying to hide yourself by making yourself bigger doesn't make sense. But I know I'm not the only one that's done it. I've attempted going to the gym, working out with friends, going to classes, but have still managed to sabotage myself time and again. At this point I haven't been to the gym in months, even though I have a membership, knocking myself down again. But today I got back up. I signed up for diet bet.