Before I ever started Diet Bet I had a vacation to Melbourne planned. And see, I've never been to Melbourne because I'm an American who is in Australia for the first time ever. 

Leading up to the trip I was like "how can I work out when I am staying in a hostel that has 12 beds per room? Where can I do Insanity? I have to not drink! I have to stick to my no desserts rule!" 


And okay...let's just say that working out went out the window. I figured 4 days without working out wouldn't kill me since normally I work out 6 days a week. 

And my no alcohol for a month somewhat went out the window. See, we went to Ice Bar Melbourne which is, of course, a bar made completely out of ice. The furniture, the decorations, the cups, the bar, EVERYTHING. And with our coupons it was $30 to get in and that includes your giant faux-fur coat/gloves, a cocktail (which are priced at 17 on their own), and a shot (priced at 12 dollars on its own). So yeah, I had my two drinks there. 

BUT despite watching my two friends eat chocolate and desserts and sweets every day, I didn't do that! I was kinda sad because my friend had agreed on no-desserts with me and she had only been doing it for like...a week and in the airport she ordered a brownie from some pizza place and I was just like "no!! Our bet!" and she was like "I'm over it! I'm stressed" and I didn't want to push the point further cos people just get annoyed with you.

All my blog posts on here are very rambly, sorry for that.

Quick summary: Melbourne for four days. No working out. A little bit of alcohol. No desserts still.

I got back yesterday and weighed myself (bad idea) the scale said I went up ~2 pounds (.9 kilos or so) and I was like "SHIT! NOOOOOO!" but then I reminded myself to be calm because I had barely drank any water in Melbourne (the hostel water tasted horrible and the kitchen closed after midnight so good luck if you woke up thirsty) and I ate more salty foods than normal.

So yesterday I just ate healthy. Watched my intake for the day. Skipped Insanity because I was recovering from the hostel exhaustion but then in the evening I ran a very hilly 5k through my neighborhood. I weighed myself today and ~voila~ back to normal! 

Didn't lose any weight but I still have 2 weeks to lose 2 pounds, I think I can do it! I hope! Aah! 

I hope everyone else is achieving the progress they hope to see (but in a healthy way!)