My husband is to blame.  He told me his goal was to weigh the same as me.  Not ok.  We are cyclists/racers and while lower weight does help you climb faster, I will never allow parity (even though he is 1 inch shorter than me).  I will win.  I will get this weight off.  I used to weight 135 my first 2 years of medical school.  Why is it so hard to get out of the 150s and stay there?  Argh.


Anyway, this time it is gonna happen.  158 today (down from 160 yesterday which happened after my weigh in secondary to pizza for dinner and fluid retention.)  Some of it is water weight from a heavy sweat session last night so I may bounce up a little tomorrow.  Goal is 155.9 for the bet.  My goal is 153 for the bet.  Overall goal is 135-140 and freakin' maintain it.  


I will weigh myself every day.

I will drink water.

I will stick to my bike training plan consistently and document it.

I will exercise at least a little every single day (at least walk).

I will get 15,000 steps every day (except car trips).

I will win.