Losing weight is hard enough on its own... Lucky me I have to do it while trying to get healthy. I know what you're thinking; take it easy, and wait until you feel better. Thing is; if I did that I would gain weight. I haven't been well in close to 4yrs now. Anyways; I am SO glad I learned about this website. I was feeling down and was lacking the motivation to get healthy. Money is a pretty good incentive haha

My deal is; I have joint and muscle issues. I have a hard time moving around doing day to day things so working out is a daunting task. Before starting these challenges I began changing my food intake. (I call it food intake; I don't call it dieting because I want to eat healthy to get and stay healthy for life.) Slowly but surely I started being able to move a little more everyday. It is still painful but I can do it and I'm happy about it. But I still lacked the extra oomph; that's when I joined dietbet.

During the time on diet bet I've still had mobility issues along with medicine changes that messed me up. The meds would make me nauseated; making it hard to eat, which kills metabolism, and makes it hard to lose weight. Or they would bloat me up real bad; enough to cause up to 11lb weight gains. 

Somehow I was able to win some rounds; not all, but some. Which was amazing to me.

...at the moment I'm bloated up again. Although I'm internally freaking out that the number on the scale has shot up again; I try to keep in mind and stay proud of the weight I've lost, and that that number WILL go down when the bloating goes away.

...and that the number will continue to go down as I continue with my weight loss journey. 

PS: This last doctors visit I was told I was now in the overweight category! I was so happy to hear that! I am no longer in the obese category! YES! I got congratulated for my weight loss from the doctor. I'm excited; this is further validation; I will get to a healthy weight!