Day #1 Tip: 

Improve Your Diet By Avoiding These 5 Food Additives

The best way to improve your diet is by consuming whole foods. When this isn’t possible, do your best to avoid the following 5 food additives.

  • Refined Sugar – This includes not only white sugar but also sweeteners like high fructose corn syrup. Added sugars contain no nutritional value whatsoever and are pure empty calories.
  • Artificial Colors – These are chemical compounds made from coal-tar derivatives. They can cause allergic reactions, skin rashes and headaches.
  • Artificial Flavors – Pure chemistry. Have been linked to allergic reactions, asthma, hyperactivity and more.
  • Benzoate Preservatives – These chemicals work to prevents fats from becoming rancid. They can impact estrogen levels, and can lead to hyperactivity, dermatitis and tumors.
  • Brominated Vegetable Oil – Works to boost flavor in citrus-based drinks and beverages. Can contribute to liver damage, thyroid and kidney issues.


Day #2 Tip: 

Choose Low Glycemic Carbs 

The glycemic index, or GI, reveals how much a food causes your blood sugar levels to rise. While both high and low glycemic foods can be part of a healthy diet or weight loss program in moderation, know that high glycemic foods come with certain health risks. High glycemic foods have been linked to a higher BMI, diabetes, obesity and heart disease.

Examples of high glycemic foods include:

  • Pasta
  • White Bread
  • Baked Goods
  • Chips and Cookies
  • Rice
  • Low-Fiber Cereals

Examples of low glycemic foods include:

  • Veggies
  • Fruits
  • Legumes
  • Whole Grains


Day #3 Tip:


Don’t Forget Proper Water Intake

Drinking water can help you lose weight. Most people think that only exercise and diet play a role in weight loss, but proper water intake is a requirement as well.

Water can help make you feel full, and it also works to flush out toxins from your body. You may also feel an increased desire to eat when your body is really just thirsty. So the next time hunger strikes you, make sure to gulp down a large glass of water first before hitting the kitchen.

Ice cold water is the best, because your body has to burn extra calories to digest it. And if you are currently working out, your body will sweat, so you will need to replace that water so your body can run effectively.

So how much water should you be drinking? Common wisdom says that you should drink 8 cups of water a day. This rule works for some of us, however, water intake does depend on how much you weigh, as well as what type of climate that you live in. If you live in a hot climate, you will want to drink more water. And if you exercise more, then you will need to take this into consideration as well and replace the water that you are sweating out.

You can also use the rule that you need to drink half an ounce of water for every pound that you weigh. So if you weigh 150 pounds, aim for 75 ounces of water daily. Keep in mind that you can include food in this count as well, since many foods, such as watermelon and lettuce, are full of water.